Each year, the Powhatan Education Foundation (PEF) awards Innovative Classroom Grants that present ideas for achieving the county’s curricular goals, enhancing students’ personal development, and/or encouraging links with the community. This year, PEF fully or partially funded six grants for a total investment of $16,146.28, and we are going to take time over the next few weeks to highlight how those projects are going. Next up is “From Seed to Fruit,” awarded to Barbara Adcock. The grant money paid for an indoor grow tent and materials so students at Pocahontas Elementary and Flat Rock Elementary could see the complete growth cycle of a variety of vegetables. They will also experiment with different types of soils, lighting, and methods of pollination. In these photos, Mrs. Adcock introduces the grow tent to Pocahontas second graders in Mrs. Reese’s class, who planted mini cucumber, mini tomato, and cucamelon seeds. We give these experiments two green thumbs up!