2025-2026 Teachers of the Year Winners!

Powhatan County Public Schools recognized and honored five school-based Teachers of the Year in November and the Division Teacher of the Year in January.  These individuals were nominated by their school staff for their leadership and service to the profession. 

They will serve in this role for the 2025-2026 school year. 

Angela Stewart, Beth Teigen, Bethany Britz, Samantha Martin, Courtney Jarman and Amanda Johnson (left to right)

Bethany Britz

Division Teacher of the Year

Pocahontas Elementary School - Teacher of the Year

Colleen Schwartz with upper level administration receiving award

Colleen Schwartz

Flat Rock Elementary School -

Teacher of the Year

Terri Allison, Beth Teigen, Laura Simon, Constance Deal, Karen Gobble (left to right)

Laura Simon

Powhatan Elementary School -

Teacher of the Year

Kim McComb with upper level administration receiving her award.

Kim McComb

Powhatan Middle School -

Teacher of the Year

Tara Harmon FY 2026 Teacher of the Year at Powhatan High School!

Tara Harmon

Powhatan High School -

Teacher of the Year